I have joined the Quilters Gallery, and am supposed to upload the logo - well, I tried, and now if you look at 'Blogs I follow' you'll find about a million links to it! Oh well.
Whilst everyone I know seems to be travelling the globe at the moment, eg, Sandra in Iceland, Jackie in New Zealand to mention two, I have been busy sewing and have finally got my Beginner's Sampler Quilt top together (we have just finished the third of these courses, so I am waaaay behind:
Not a very good picture......anyone who has been to the workshop will be able to see that mine has been put together differently to Sandra's. Not me being clever (quite the opposite actually, as Sandra and Sally know, I spent the whole morning counting squares and doing maths) - it just turned out that way.
Also Maureen sent me a photo of her quilt which she started at our weekend workshop with Helene and which I'd love to put up here but can't open it, so, instead, I'll show you what I'm doing with mine:
I bought some mini hexagon templates from Foltvilag at the NEC (
www.foltvilag.hu) and am making a hexagon border all round. Haven't got very far. Lynne managed to sew about 20 in an hour last week - I max out at about 4 a night!
We took some straw round to Upper Denford this afternoon and on the way home called in at friends at a farm round there. Their collie Mog has had 8 pups - so sweet. There was a lovely one I'm calling Pop Pop in my head............watch this space.