We go on holiday for one week a year and I'm absolutely frantic. And it's only to Wales so we can drive home and back in a day if we want to!
I don't think it's just me who is at sixes and sevens though; I see this Barn Owl around our garden every morning and evening - maybe it's doing overtime to feed some chicks!
My main problem is the garden....everything is ready to be planted out and I'm trying to get it done before we go away on Saturday - mainly because I know George won't prioritise watering my flowers!
Today, yesterday, and last Sunday I was able to spend a good few hours at it, but otherwise there have been too many distractions.
last Thursday we had a brilliant day at the Malvern Quilt Show. We saw lots of inspiring quilts, and here are some of my favourites:
Hand-pieced by Francis Meredith and Longarm quilted by her too. A couple of my friends have sent their quilts to her at Fabadashery (www.fabadashery.co.uk) and I really loved the results - very different from the overall swirls that gets very samey.
I quite liked this one - Peony Ring (I think) by Sally Bramald
The baskets are so clever:

I thought Abigail Rose by Sue Watters was beautiful
and then this one: Knot Garden by Claire Scott
caught my eye - she used Canadian smocking for the knots and what she called a 'crashing' technique for the topiary. No idea what that means!
Then Saturday we were dancing in the rain in Winchester. Whilst sheltering under the trees Louise pointed out a Handkerchief tree (also known as a Ghost tree apparently) - it was really beautiful:
covered in all it's hankies
Tuesday morning Pitch and Stitch was busy and we were all very impressed by Lynn's cot quilt:
and floor mat made with Japanese Patches which she learnt with us:
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