Tuesday morning Pitch and Stitch - 10.00am to 1.00pm

Tuesday morning Pitch and Stitch - 10.00am to 1.00pm
This hanging from Annie Downs' Hatched and Patched book should be in every caravan as a cushion or decoration!

Wednesday 21 September 2011

The monday evening Knitting class is clicking away happily - people can still join if they want - because the class is so small Amanda can keep her eye on what everyone's doing and bring late starters up to speed.  I love knitting but am still not able to talk and knit at the same, which is obviously quite a hardship for me!

Pitch and Stitch yesterday was very busy.  We had a celebratory cake because Beverley has had her first book (nothing to do with crafts) accepted by a publisher which is very exciting!  There was quite a variety of activities going on - knitting, sewing, felting and, of course, a lot of chat.  Pauline wanted tips on hanging quilts and Sandra gave her detailed instructions on how to attach a hanging sleeve.  Even though Pauline hadn't asked me I recommended my favourite method of pinning them to the wall with drawing pins....
I am working on the Trip Around the World quilt we are doing a workshop on soon.  Sandra recoiled in horror at the colours I've selected - bright, bold and brash - but I thought they showed the method clearly.  Sandra said it would be a good quilt to take with you if you were running away to join the circus!

Meanwhile things are pretty quiet on the farm - not least because Victoria is away at college and George has started weekly boarding at Sparsholt Agricultural College.  When I picked him up on Friday he apologised for smelling like a pig - literally - they'd spent the afternoon weighing them.  Jonathan said those pigs could probably do it themselves with their eyes shut - every time a tutor runs out of things to do he probably says "go and weigh the pigs"!

Our grey goose is busy laying eggs - a bit of a surprise because she usually lays in spring.  If we get goslings we'll be faced with the usual problem of what to do with them. We had a bit of a scare on Sunday because Pepper the pig didn't want dinner but she's ok now - either a caravanner had already fed her or maybe she got an apple stuck in her throat.

Right, better sign off now and get some sewing done!

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