Whilst most people are enjoying a relaxed Bank Holiday, Jonathan's been working his socks off.
He's put the ewes to lamb in the back paddock with the Alpacas - Big Boy and Barney come up every time a ewe lambs - they are fascinated by it.
and then brings them down to the paddock behind the house once they've lambed (it's a bit more sheltered).
and they stay here for a day or two before they go out to the big field.
The two at the back are as spotty as Dalmatians |
Because it was warm I let the pet lamb have a run around in the grass
She was very curious about everything.
Off to pick up George tonight - can't wait to hear about his adventures on Lundy.
Happy Easter from Lorne Hill Farm!
Lovely post Joanne. Well done for those hot cross buns.Hope Jonathan gets time to eat his Easter meal tomorrow. Perhaps he will get some help from George.