Tuesday morning Pitch and Stitch - 10.00am to 1.00pm

Tuesday morning Pitch and Stitch - 10.00am to 1.00pm
This hanging from Annie Downs' Hatched and Patched book should be in every caravan as a cushion or decoration!

Sunday, 25 October 2015

New Arrivals

What a lovely sunny weekend to welcome our new arrivals to Lorne Hill Farm.

Yesterday 6 chickens arrived (courtesy of Dom) from Nuneaton.  The farmer had 5,000 one year old layers to re-house - they only keep them for a year - and we said we'd take six.  All 5,000 were re-housed over two weekends which I thought was amazing.

We put them in a 'holding pen' until letting them join the others once the sun had set.

They were in a pretty sorry state, but apparently feather up very quickly.  When I opened up the chicken house this morning only one came out voluntarily, and I had to push the others out, but they were soon pecking around for the corn.
And then this morning George and I went over to the Dogs Trust to bring Millie home.  So far, so good,

She and Reuben played together happily

and I'm not sure yet who's in charge, but Millie seems very gentle and when I took them both out in the paddock Reuben showed off that he knew how to play 'fetch', so hopefully things will work out just fine.
Welcome to Lorne Hill Farm, Millie

Oh - and by the way, Jonathan's been busy cutting Hazel for Morris sticks ready for our Open Workshop in the Village Hall on 14th November - so if you've got the slightest inclination to leap around brandishing sticks and ringing bells - perhaps you should give it a go......