Tuesday morning Pitch and Stitch - 10.00am to 1.00pm

Tuesday morning Pitch and Stitch - 10.00am to 1.00pm
This hanging from Annie Downs' Hatched and Patched book should be in every caravan as a cushion or decoration!

Thursday, 11 April 2013


Checked on the goslings today and there are nine!  Mum and Dad took them out for their first walk:

And then taught them how to feed on their chick crumbs!

Dad is so attentive.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Pickles, Poppy, Poppet and Pip are sometimes like this:

But usually like this:

Wednesday, 10 April 2013


Well, lambs are popping out all over the place:

and, inevitably, some are not so happy and end up in the kitchen being bottle -fed.  And some really make themselves at home and try to get hold of some hot food!

Cute for a while but then annoying so I am really grateful to Sarah who has lent me her dog / guineapig hurdles:

Now they have their own little den where they can make all the mess they want.  I currently have three in what George describes as the Nursery, and am feeding them four times a day.  luckily they have taken to the bottle well so it's not too much of a struggle and they should survive.  (I spoke too soon, number four has just been carried through the door).  Hopefully a couple can be put onto other ewes, but in the meantime I know there's work to do.  it's not so bad when they are indoors, but when they are stronger and we put them out, it's a real pain - especially when it's raining!

Then, this afternoon, as I went to feed the geese, they were reluctant to come out. 

I've been waiting what seems ages for this - I'm sure it's longer than a month - so I had a good look in the hut:

Is that a glimpse of yellow?


I'm so pleased!  I don't know how many eggs she's sitting on - the other year she had nine! - but five or six would be really nice!