It's all go around here!
We started lambing last weekend and they are popping out thick and fast!
Minutes old..... |
Finally found what they were looking for!
Last night I was walking a couple of lambs and their mum down to the paddock (once they've lambed we bring them closer to the house for a day - not always so easy) when I heard a burp next to me. I looked around and a big old ewe looked me in the eye and gave another burp. "Is that you Lucy?", I said and she came up for a stroke and then went on her way.
Five years ago I bottle-fed Lucy and Mabel for months. When they got bigger, but weren't yet weened, we moved them to the chicken paddock. One day in July there was quite a heavy rain shower, and I happened to look out.
I wondered why all the chickens were out, and took a closer look:
Lucy (on the right), and Mabel were not stupid - why get wet when there is a perfectly nice little house to sit in?