Tuesday morning Pitch and Stitch - 10.00am to 1.00pm

Tuesday morning Pitch and Stitch - 10.00am to 1.00pm
This hanging from Annie Downs' Hatched and Patched book should be in every caravan as a cushion or decoration!

Friday, 18 April 2014

A Very busy Week

The Hot Cross Buns are in the oven so I thought I'd take a couple of minutes to update this following a very busy week!

The Market Square Quilters' Exhibition last week went really well!  There were some beautiful quilts on display - really inspiring - and we had a stand for Lorne Hill Farm Workshops.  Lots of people stopped by and we met lots of people keen to start making quilts so I hope they are brave enough to head out here to the Lambourn Valley!

Our Stand
I thought the Christmas Corner looked lovely:

Then on Tuesday we had a lovely Pitch and Stitch morning:

 Jacqui and her Clare Kingslake Satchel
Dawn loom-knitted another woolly bobble hat

Then on Wednesday it was the willow weaving workshop with Alan Hulford:
Everyone had such a lovely day and made some brilliant things.  Victoria made willow hearts for her bridesmaids to carry - other people made hearts, spheres, wreaths and even growing frames:

A big thank you to Alan for teaching everyone a great new skill.

Hot Cross Buns are out now, so I'm off to check that they taste alright!!





Friday, 11 April 2014

Here we go again!

Well, it started with one:

And the little puddle under him is why I insisted he go outside.
Then George brought in the tiniest little thing which I didn't expect to last more than his first night - but here he is:
Happy as Larry.

Then two more appeared, and when I got back at lunchtime there were a total of six.....they think they can sneak them in!

So that's four feeds a day for the next few weeks at least - still, at least I get help with the crossword!
And the reason I was out this morning? - It's rolled around again,  The Market Square Quilters Exhibition.  I was helping set up and there are really some lovely quilts there - and Sandra and I of course, chatting about our workshops!
Come along!

Sunday, 6 April 2014


It's all go around here!
We started lambing last weekend and they are popping out thick and fast!

Minutes old.....

Finally found what they were looking for!
Last night I was walking a couple of lambs and their mum down to the paddock (once they've lambed we bring them closer to the house for a day - not always so easy) when I heard a burp next to me.  I looked around and a big old ewe looked me in the eye and gave another burp.  "Is that you Lucy?", I said and she came up for a stroke and then went on her way.
Five years ago I bottle-fed Lucy and Mabel for months.  When they got bigger, but weren't yet weened, we moved them to the chicken paddock.  One day in July there was quite a heavy rain shower, and I happened to look out.

I wondered why all the chickens were out, and took a closer look:

Lucy (on the right), and Mabel were not stupid - why get wet when there is a perfectly nice little house to sit in?