Tuesday morning Pitch and Stitch - 10.00am to 1.00pm

Tuesday morning Pitch and Stitch - 10.00am to 1.00pm
This hanging from Annie Downs' Hatched and Patched book should be in every caravan as a cushion or decoration!

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Not Sewing.....Sowing!

This weekend has been amazing - hot, sunny - I haven't known what to wear!  I've put away all my woollens and pulled out my summer clothes so no doubt tomorrow it will be freezing!

Luckily for Barney and Big Boy the shearers came on Friday so they've had a haircut just in time for all this sunshine. The shearers come from New Zealand and travel all over the country shearing Alpacas - after us they were going up to Stoke on Trent.  They only charge £20 an animal and I have more wool now.  We've got to do a spinning workshop!  I was at work so didn't see it done which is a shame. 

Big Boy has sulked ever since and is staying up the far side of the field.

Anyway, it was too fine to stay indoors, and I really had to tackle the garden.  I am very proud of my herb garden (although apparently my sister said the  Buddleia doesn't belong there) and have Parsley, Sage, Oregano - plain and peppery, Thyme, Lavender, Rosemary, Mint and Tarragon in it.  Unfortunately the Tarragon spreads like mad so I have to really cut it back, and the whole little garden is constantly under attack from Couch Grass (my absolute enemy) and Dandelions.

Anyway, I worked very hard and am pleased with how it is looking:

Actually, no-one ever sees it because it's not only behind the workshop but Jonathan parks his truck in front of it all the time....but I know it's there.
Then, following tea with my friend's mother the other day I came home loaded up with seeds.  I just haven't had the time or the inclination -with the horrid weather we've been having - to get out into the greenhouse, but today I knew I had to do it or it wouldn't happen.
So I planted up Runner and French Beans, Yellow and green courgettes, mystery tomatoes, some snapdragon seeds I'd collected, and Sweet Peas.  I know it's late but hopefully better late than never.

Back in the winter I read an article about then being the time to clean the greenhouse - should have done it!

Anyway, after all that work I decided to take out a cup of tea and sit back in my deckchair.  Well, it wasn't set up right so I fell right through and got covered in tea.  Very nice....not.


  1. What a busy day. Shame about the fall😂
    Lovely herb garden..

  2. After a tiring day for us(and you), you made me laugh out loud

  3. Yes, I love your herb garden. Well done for getting your seeds sown!
    It wasn't me who said about the buddlea..
    Shame there was no footage of the fall :-)
